Personal Webpage of Adrien Busnot Laurent
Thesis of supervised students:
2024-2025 (Université de Rennes/ENS Rennes):
- Master 2 - Geometric Numerical Integration
2023-2024 (Université de Rennes/ENS Rennes):
2022-2023 (University of Bergen):
2021-2022 (University of Bergen):
- Spring - Reading group - Stochastic differential equations and their applications (with Gianmarco Vega-Molino).
2020-2021 (University of Geneva):
- Fall - Mathscope (popularization of science)
- Spring - Mathscope (popularization of science)
- Spring - Bachelor 2nd year in Mathematics - Analyse numérique
2019-2020 (University of Geneva):
- Fall - Master in Mathematics - Méthodes numériques géométriques et raides pour les équations différentielles
- Fall - Bachelor 1st year in Mathematics - Algèbre 1
- Spring - Bachelor 2nd year in Mathematics - Analyse numérique
2018-2019 (University of Geneva):
- Fall - Bachelor 1st year in Mathematics - Algèbre 1
- Spring - Bachelor 2nd year in Mathematics - Analyse numérique
- Spring - Bachelor 2nd year in Mathematics - TP d'analyse numérique
2017-2018 (University of Geneva):
- Fall - Bachelor 2nd year in Mathematics - TP d'analyse numérique
- Spring - Bachelor 1st year in Computer Science - Mathématiques pour informaticiens
- Spring - Bachelor 2nd year in Mathematics - Analyse réelle
2016-2017 (ENS Rennes):
- 3rd year of INSA Rennes - Outils d'analyse pour l'ingénieur